Friday, April 29, 2016


Sitting on the warm sand under a palm tree, hiding behind my sunglasses……… wriggling my toes in the sand because I can….

Watching him in the edge of the surf…… ankle deep, flesh browned by the southern sun…. perpetual smile on his face… swimsuit with wild print… loose and comfy, wearing a doofy hat and flying a kite…he turns and smiles in my direction and waves, and my heart races.... Is he really mine?  Or is this only a dream?

A tanned little boy races to him through the shallow water....

I watch as he shares his kite with this young child, who likely has never flown a kite before…. their laughter is carried on the breeze to my ears…. one teaching, one learning….. he runs slowly through the breaking waves so the child can keep up, as he shares with this child the thrill of a kite…. so simple yet so breathtaking…. he stops his life to bring joy to a child, whose name he doesn't even know.

Love fills me……. silently and completely.

Beginnings ……..  I am able to love….. again ..... 

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