Friday, April 29, 2016


Drinking a glass of wine.... sitting on my deck in the chill night air, watching the boats heading south for the winter.... every size and shape.... and every skill set possible at the helm.  I often wonder about their destination.  Many nights we have 'parkers' out front, and I've even ridden the jet ski out at dusk to say hello and welcome them to my part of North Carolina.  Tonight there are three parkers enjoying the Christmas trees on my pier...

This lovely yacht below obviously has a professional yachtsman on board... the boat was moving swiftly south in ICW.... and trimmed to absolute perfection... not a bit of a splash at the bow, and a minimal wake behind the stern.  Local maritime regulations require these large boats to reduce speed when passing populated areas to minimize the chance of wavewash damage on shore.

But if you have a captain like this one has, there is no need to throttle back.... by the time his wake reached shore, it was only a ripple.  Lifting my glass to those on board.... dreaming of places near and far... lovely dreams...

ReWineD... couldn't have chosen a better name if I tried..... *clink*

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