Friday, April 29, 2016


...She squeezed his hand tighter as her other hand gripped his shoulder. He could feel her breath on his face and he smiled as he sensed her rising passion, knowing she knew he knew...

Three sets of French doors on the far side of the room were open to a tiled veranda surrounded by a balustrade, and overlooking subtly lit formal gardens. It was a warm, clear evening and after several dances, Kate and Reid headed outside for a breath of fresh air. There were several groups of guests gathered there, smoking cigars and drinking brandy, and Kate and Reid moved smoothly from cluster to cluster, greeting and shaking hands. Reid hung back just enough to ‘present’ Kate but his hand never left her back. He loved watching her speak to these people – making each one feel as if she would love to stay and chat with them all evening. But after a few minutes with one group, Reid would gradually press her in another direction. She loved that he had such control over the situation – almost as much as she loved his hand on her flesh. As the music softly wafted through the doors, they again wrapped their arms around each other and slowly began to sway to the music beneath the stars. It wasn’t long before Kate could feel Reid growing hard against her, through the fabric of his trousers and her dress. She gripped his lapels, her lips against his as a deep moan escaped her throat. He could feel her chest rising and falling against his and he knew it wouldn’t be long before she was close. This woman… oh how he loved her, loved her passion and her lust, loved her erotic scent. He slid one hand down her side, down her hip, to where the dress split and he could feel her hot skin. His slipped his other hand up her back to her bare shoulders and pressed her against his chest in an effort to support her, because he could feel her legs starting to tremble.

Still moving slowly with the music, Reid began to navigate her towards the corner of the veranda, where the balustrade met the wall of the house and where the shadows of the adjacent landscaping offered a little privacy. As they approached the corner he gently pressed her bare back against the granite of the façade, taking her wrists in his hands and pressing them against the wall above her head, and covering her body with his as he kissed her warm, inviting lips. She closed her eyes and moaned softly, now hoarse with passion, no longer daring to speak. He suddenly released her wrists and just as she lowered one hand to touch him there, she felt him slowly slide down and sit on the top of the railing. He slipped a leg on each side of her so he was holding her between his knees. She leaned against the cool stone, eyes still closed, as he slid his hand into the split in her skirt and around between her thighs. She shifted her feet further apart and pressed her palms against the wall behind her, trying to breathe normally. With his fingertip he ‘jingled’ her tiny bell and she smiled in the dim light, knowing her release was close. He slipped his hand upward and as his thumb entered her slowly, he squeezed and massaged her swollen clitoris with two of his fingers, causing the tiny bell to tinkle continually. Looking up at her and watching her breasts rise and fall, he pressed his thumb against the front wall of her vagina, finding that rough patch of tissue that was her core, and as he rubbed there, he felt her clamping on him, tensing and releasing rapidly until that moment her orgasm began. Trying desperately not to cry out, she released into his hand, washing it with waves of her warm cream, and as she gasped for breath, she opened her eyes to see their host approaching from only a few steps away.

She accepted the glass of wine he offered her with a trembling hand, as Reid slowly removed his hand and discreetly reached in his pocket for his handkerchief.

With a knowing and approving smile, their host leaned in and kissed Kate’s flushed face, and said softly to her, ‘My darling girl, what an extraordinary political couple you two will be – you actually enjoy sex with each OTHER! ’

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